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why choose a doula?

In our modern society, the Doula’s role has evolved as families have begun to live remotely from one another and are less accessible to one another. As parents and siblings are less babyable to share their wisdom and experience with the new family, a void has been created and the new family is more isolated in facing the daunting challenges and profound transition they find themselves in. The postpartum Doula can facilitate the new family’s transition and can fill the void that their families might have provided.

The arrival of a baby is like no other experience in life. No amount of study and practice can truly prepare a person for parenthood. Dealing with the working with familieschallenge of sleep deprivation, hormonal fluctuations, lack of knowledge on infant care, lack of coping skills for meeting the parent’s needs and their infant’s needs, affects the parents ability to handle the daily challenges in coping with their new life. It is clearly known that the way a woman perceives her transitions into motherhood has a direct impact on the success of her long term role as a mother. The Doula as a model, a teacher and advocate, can, through unconditional support, enhance the long term relationships within the new family.